Parent Info

As we welcome your child to the different Sections of our Scout Group, we welcome you to our Group “family”. We believe that working in partnership with the families of our youth members promotes a more active and enjoyable experience for all involved.

As a part of our Group “family”, it is expected that you will take an active part in the Group throughout your child’s membership. Having said that, we understand that not all families are able to contribute to their child’s Scouting in the same ways and we encourage you to assist where you feel you are able – through becoming a Leader or regular Parent Helper, becoming a Committee member, helping teach youth members or assess special skills for badgework, assisting with transporting youth members to and from Scouting activities, or simply by supporting Group events such as working bees and fundraising projects.

In addition, it is expected that you will accept the Group ethos when attending Group events. That is, embracing the ideals and values that each Section promotes to its members.


To be effective, Scouting requires regular attendance from your child. This is particularly so in the case of ongoing badgework, where a child’s absence may hinder their progression through their relevant Award Scheme. If they are going to be absent from a meeting, where possible please notify the Leader in advance.

Punctuality is also important – we endeavour to offer a full program for each Sectional meeting, and delaying the beginning of a Scout meeting may result in the meeting running late or the youth members missing out on various aspects of the program.


As with most volunteer-based organisations involving young people, Scouts Australia requires all Adult members who have direct contact with children to hold a current Working With Children Check (WWCC) clearance. Your WWCC number, along with a completed A2 form (Application for Adult Helper) will be required for all adults who volunteer with the Scout Group, including but not limited to positions such as Section Leaders, regular Parent Helpers at Section meetings, Committee members and any adult helper wishing to attend Region/State/National events.

  • The NSW Government, through the Office of the Children’s Guardian (“OCG”), administers the processing of WWCC Clearances under the Child Protection legislation.
  • There is NO fee from the OCG for volunteers for the WWCC Clearance, which is then current for 5 years.
  • As the WWCC Clearance is a personal clearance for you, the application and notification process is the responsibility of each individual Leader/Rover/Designated Adult Helpers. Apply online at